Data Structures and Algorithms - Learning made fun with AR

Want to land a job at your dream IT company? If yes, then Data Structure and Algorithms are a pathway to your dream product-based companies.

First, Tap Academy's Data Structures and Algorithms course makes learning fun with augmented reality training. Second, this course provides practical training on the concepts.

In addition, it offers instructor-led training and personal mentorship from experts. Furthermore , the course covers the solution to the problems asked
by top tech companies.

The course profoundly covers the concept of Data Structures and Algorithms, which are the building blocks of many real-life applications.

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Why Data Structures and Algorithms?

What is Data Structure?

Look around you! The whole world revolves around information and data. As a result, data and information are integral to daily life.

However, that data must be stored somewhere where it can be easily accessed and processed.

That's where Data Structures come into the picture!

Data Structure is a systematic process of organizing and storing the data in the main memory of the computer so that it can be managed properly and utilized efficiently. One common example of data structure is a LinkedIn List.

What are the types of Data Structure

There are two types of Data Structures.
1. Linear Data Structures
If the elements in the Data Structure are arranged in a sequential manner one after the other then it is called a Linear Data Structure.
A sequential arrangement makes it easy to access elements. There are two types of Data Structures. 1. Linear Data Structures If the elements in the Data Structure are arranged in a sequential manner one after the other then it is called a Linear Data Structure.

A sequential arrangement makes it easy to access elements. Examples of Linear Data structures are Array, Linked List, Stack, and Queue.

2. Non-linear Data Structures

Unlike Linear Data Structure, if the elements are not arranged in a sequential manner then it is called a Non-Linear Data Structure.

Instead, they're connected in a hierarchical manner where one element connects to multiple elements.

Examples of Non-Linear Data Structures are Graphs, Trees.

Why Data Structure?

Data Structure is the key component of the programming world and helps in solving real-life complex problems.
Data Structures are widely used in AI/ML, operating systems, and other sectors.

Understanding Data Structures gives you a clear understanding of how a data-based problem can be solved efficiently.

Moreover, if you want to land an IT job in your dream company then Data Structures are a must.

Because Data Structure is part of the interview and hiring process.

Product-based companies check for the strength of Data Structures so that you can help them with their day-to-day problems.

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